Amy Bessone

Amy Bessone (b. 1970 Bronx, NY) earned a BFA from Parsons Paris School of Design, Paris and completed her studies at De Ateliers, Amsterdam (NL) in 1995. She worked in Brussels (BE) from 1995-2004 until she relocated to Los Angeles (CA) in 2004 and currently resides between Los Angeles and Western Massachusetts. Bessone is a free-range painter, she trawls through myriad sources to create a personal iconography and works in a variety of styles.
Bessone’s iconography includes archetypal figures such as the warrior, the swimmer, the water. bearer, the intellectual, the reader, bathers, goddesses, monsters, and crones. They populate gardens, islands, jungles and grottos. Alongside the landscape and figures, a recurring cast of architectural forms often materializes. The body serves as a literal and conceptual framework for her ongoing dialogue with past masters and contemporary events.
She has exhibited extensively throughout the United States and internationally. She has been a visiting artist and guest lecturer at USC, Los Angeles (CA); University of lowa, lowa City (IA); UCSD, San Diego (CA); VCU Richmond (VA); PNCA, Portland (OR); CCA, San Francisco (CA)and De Ateliers, Amsterdam (NL).
Bessone’s work is included in the collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (CA); the Rubell Family Collection, Miami (FL); The Rennie Collection, Vancouver (CND); The Saatchi Collection, London (UK); and Frac Bretagne, Chateaugiron (FR) and The Green Family Art Foundation, Dallas (TX).