Eamon Ore-Giron
Darién Gap
December 2nd, 2019 - January 4th, 2020

Eamon Ore-Giron (b. 1973, Tucson, Arizona) lives and works in Los Angeles. Ore-Giron received his BFAat San Francisco Art Institute, in 1996, and MFA from University of California, Los Angeles, in 2006. Hewas a member of the collective OJO, which was active from 2004 to 2013, with artists BrennaYoungblood, Joshua Aster, Justin Cole, and several others. He has exhibited and performed at theHammer’s Made in L.A. Biennial (2018); the Whitney Biennial, New York (2017); Ballroom Marfa, Texas(2017); LAXART, Los Angeles (2015); Prospect 3, New Orleans (2014); Pérez Art Museum, Miami (2013);Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City (2009); Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (2008); and LosAngeles County Museum of Art (2008), among others.