
6 Collectible Design Shows Around the World in November

November 8th, 2023
Emmett Moore, Design, Miami, Nina Johnson, Exhibition
Emmett Moore: Hyper Natural, Installation View. Photography by Clare Gatto.

‘Hyper Natural’ at Nina Johnson


The natural and industrial worlds collide in the multifaceted practice of Emmett Moore, the buzzy Miami artist known for conceptual furnishings and functional sculptures. His latest show at Nina Johnson, “Hyper Natural,” spotlights five new works that blur the line between art and design using unorthodox materials, including a shiny chaise made of driftwood and recycled clothing. There’s also a stainless steel sculpture that references car exhaust pipes twisted in a contorted loop and a treelike work made using three unusual types of local wood (Dade County Pine, Cuban Mahogany, and Greenheart) as well as skin of the invasive Burmese python. The heady ideas are balanced with a Gaetano Pesce–esque playfulness; catch the show through November 18.

Read on Galerie Magazine

  • Emmett Moore, Design, Miami, Nina Johnson, Exhibition
    Emmett Moore: Hyper Natural, Installation View. Photography by Clare Gatto.