
Nicolas Lobo at Ines Barrenechea

April 6th, 2013

Ethnographic Sound Blanket #7, 2010

Ink and meanstreak on digital c-print

Domestic Animal Ghosts curated by Gean Moreno

April 6th to June 3rd

Andrea Branzi, Sebastian Hammwöhner, Swetlana Heger, Graham Hudson, Nicolas Lobo, Ernesto Oroza, and Gabriel Vormstein

Domestic Animal Ghosts brings together seven artists who produce objects that allude to domestic spaces. The interest lies in understanding how this work functions in the theoretical or speculative space established by two proposals developed by the Italian designer Andrea Branzi. The first proposal comes from the 1980s and is articulated in a series of objects titled Domestic Animals: it argues for an understanding of the object as a semiotic entity, as an embodied sign within a new polycentric landscape of cultural production. His second and much more recent proposal understands the object as a pattern of information extracted from different relational flows. The objects gathered in the exhibition in some way track the movement from one conception of the object to the other. They do this by alluding to elements found in the home, but always complicating the possibility of straightforward identification. The “domestic object”  is here a prism through which to take on changes that have occurred in the sociocultural field over the last few decades.